Accessibility Requests
Make.Shift is currently undergoing significant changes to our building and procedures in order to make our space more accessible to all community members.
If you have any suggestions for ways to improve our space and/or events please reach out to the Executive Director at:
We are aware that our building has many accessibility restrictions due to its age and design. We are committed to finding creative ways for everyone to enjoy our programs. We’ve included some information about the building to help you identify accessibility requests. You can contact us for requests using the form below.
We understand our space is unique, so we’ve created social narratives to help you feel comfortable and informed. Below, you’ll find stories that describe what our space looks like, basic rules, and what to expect during your visit.
Parking directly outside of Make.Shift is reserved for the businesses and residents that share our building and vehicles may be ticketed or towed. Make.Shift can reserve one parking space next to our entrance, when informed in advance. There is metered parking (free after 6PM) up and down Flora Street, which is free for individuals with ADA parking permits. Parking is not permitted in the Accurate Lock parking lot (the one with the taco truck, across from Cafe Velo) and violators may be towed without notice.
We have two ramps at Make.Shift:
One into the front door that provides access to the gallery, office, upstairs studios, and bathrooms. All of these doorways are 3’ wide.
One into the basement that provides access to the stage and main concert area. This doorway is 3’ 5”. This ramp is very steep. If you need to use it to gain access to the basement, please make an accessibility request and we will assign someone to assist you.
Make.Shift has two gender neutral bathrooms on the ground floor at the end of the art gallery. We can rent a portable toilet for our green room in the basement upon request for downstairs events.
Make.Shift has seating throughout our gallery and venue space. We have two benches in the gallery, one near the restrooms and one near the front entrance. There are seats lining the dance floor of our downstairs concert venue. Please submit an accessibility request if you would like us to reserve an accessible seating area near the stage for you and your friends.
Make.Shift is currently making the transition to scent-free cleaning products.
Social Narrative