Report a Safety Concern


Would you like to let us know about a community member, performer, or artist who may pose a threat to the safety of our community?

These messages are only seen by the Executive Director. They are anonymous unless you include your personal information. If you would like us to respond, please include your email.


If you would like to know more about Make.Shift’s safety policies and procedures and next steps after w receive a report, visit our policies page.


Make.Shift is committed to standing with survivors of violence. We believe you. If you need support or have questions about domestic or sexual abuse, please contact the DVSAS 24-hour helpline: 360.715.1563 or Lummi Victims of Crime: 360-312-2015.

Whether you’re a venue worker, audience member, or musician, the #HereForTheMusic project (led by the non-profit Calling All Crows) has excellent resources for preventing sexual violence in the music industry.

Additionally, Make.Shift hosts a twice-yearly Scene Safety Workshop Series intended to train the public on fostering accountability, supporting survivors, and de-escalating conflict. Keep an eye on our Workshops to sign up for the next series.