Annual Passes
Make.Shift offers annual passes to make our workshops, open studio and practice space as affordable as possible.
Passes can be purchased year-round, and are good for one year. Workshop and Studio Passes can be upgraded to a Deluxe Pass for $60* at any time.
Workshop Pass ($90/year)*
Free admission into all Make.Shift Workshops (may not apply to some special events or materials fees)
Studio Pass ($90/year)*
50% off open art studio & practice room rates
Deluxe Pass ($150/year)*
Free admission into all Make.Shift workshops (may not apply to some special events or materials fees)
50% off open studio & practice room rates
* Sliding scale pricing available.
Passes are available for purchase via email. Email (please include your first and last name and “Pass Purchase” in the subject line) to learn more, inquire about sliding scale options, & purchase a pass. Please allow up to 72 hours for a response.
*Sliding scale pricing available for all passes. You can view our suggested rates here if you need a guideline for estimating your cost. Please note that sliding scale may not apply to some special events or materials fees.
To request sliding scale pricing, purchase a pass, or if you have any questions, please email